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     "I really recommend having       Selina in your arsenal, it's this   incredible work that speeds up everything else that you're doing."

Elaina Ray G.

7-figure Business Mentor

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Watch how 7-figure Business Coach Elaina Ray Giolando released limiting subconscious programs to step into uncharted waters in her business to teach areas she always wanted, add several new income streams to her business and move from her first six-figure months to $100k weeks within just three months working together.


By releasing the subconscious holdings, she did all of this while incorporating more play, fun, and joy into her work, reducing hours and tapping even more deeply into body connection and love with her partner.


She was able to let go of the pieces that limited her to step into a higher version of herself as a fully embodied business woman.


Elaina G.; 7-figure Business Mentor @heyelainaray

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Juliette Grew to Consistent $20-40k Months with Feminine Ease and Flow in Her Business

During the time that I reached out to Selina, I was going through a huge shift in my business, and so I was going through this transitional phase, and that's when I found Selina. I was immediately drawn to her, and we started our sessions together, which were so powerful and beautiful.



I remember crying at some of the shifts that were happening to me live on the call with her. It took about a few weeks after we ended our container that I saw huge shifts, huge shifts. I really felt like an energy had been lifted. And I really felt like I couldn't pin down my message.



I was confused. I had conflicting energy inside of me. And after working with Selina, I really felt like the energy had lifted. I started showing up with more vibrancy and love in my heart for the woman that I work with was able to shine through more. And when I was working with her, I wasn't calling in any clients. I haven't even shifted that much. But so many women are coming to me to work with me, and it's just fantastic.


Juliet L., Business & Pleasure Coach @juliet_lippman

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Arja's $7,500 Cash Day within 24 Hours of Her Session, Followed by Her Biggest Launch To Date ​

Arja took her already successful business to the next level.


"Everybody should go for it!"


"This inner work is the only work that is left for me to do now. There is no need for more business or marketing trainings. This is the work that is making all the difference."


"It took away my need to invest in more business strategies and trainings. This is the real work."


She speaks about:


  • Her $7,500 cash day within 24 hours of our second session, without any prior leads and her most successful launch yet


  • How she thought she had done all the mindset work with coaches, bus realized there was a deeper barrier she was unable to see or clear herself


  • How she had all the tools from business coaches but still came up against blocks in being able to scale.


  • Through these sessions, she opened her creative energy to map her entire methodology immediately following her first session.


Arja H.; - Tantric Sexuality Coach @arja_hendrikx

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Laura's $48k Month and Back-to-Back Highest Income Months Ever

Laura, a leading Nervous System Stabilization Coach and subconscious expert herself, speaks about how reaching out for support to shift her subconscious created so much spaciousness in her body and business to focus on developing the areas she desired to develop.


She more than 8Xed previous income goals within 2 months working together.


"How these results came in, space was being held even when we weren't actively working on it. "


"I learned to step more into my feminine energy, how to receive, and how anchor and trust in myself as a leader in this bigger way."


"I integrated all these fragmented pieces of me that would in the past have activated something in me - I would have a different thought or energy around it. I saw myself behaving differently"


Laura L.; Nervous System Stabilization Coach @lauralisalarios

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Luna Sold her Brand New Offer within One Week

Luna's deep desire to "step up her own game" led to results within 2 weeks stepping into the container.


It's all about having the willingness to change. And what I love about working with Selina is it doesn't have to take 6 years of therapy. It's like 3 days, 3 days people and you'll start seeing the shift. Sometimes even after the session. I would message Selina - 'Hey you know that thing we just worked on, someone just messaged and they want to book in with me.'"


"My intention was to evolve with my own practice, align more with my offer, attract more clients - that was the initial starting point and within two weeks that actually started happening"


"My practice started getting reactivated and I started getting really amazing clients that I didn't think were possible."


"Week 3 I started feeling more confident within myself - with the way I express, who I am, what I do."


"I gained the clarity and inner strength to go forward with a trip I really desired. So much is happening within 4-5 weeks and I'm like, 'buckle up!'"


"I think the biggest win is I have become even more confident being myself - you can do anything, your relationships improve. I have landed and relaxed into my being. I feel good about myself. I'm like, 'what do I want to create from here?'"


Alexandra Luna, Tarot Goddess, Intuitive Channeler, and Empowerment Coach @empoweredby_spirit

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"I've done a lot of work already in this area, but there's something different about the work that Selina does. She's got this unique way of healing and I had shifts of consciousness after every session. I start to see myself show up more as my authentic self."

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I can pretty much regulate my nervous system and before there would have been like a lot of emotions a lot of frustration some layers of it are still there but the intensity is like way less so this is a perfect example of the progress that I've done with you and just the ability for me to stay connected and present but hold space for her (daughter) at the same time and also to communicate my desire.

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I got in touch with you, all these things that were supposed to happen at the time at some point but they they hadn't, but during the time that we were working together a lot of them manifested.

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The results, I probably couldn't have mapped them or planned them in the way they unfolded, but it's been really nice to watch and to have had that kind of support, which I've no doubt will be continued. And the effects of that will continue to show up.

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Andrea gained the confidence to shift her career and is now in one of the best studios in the world.

– Andrea T, Potter and Branding and Marketing Coach

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Martin got a fully-booked out client base just two weeks after his first session.

- Martin M; Author, Creator of 30 day Author, and Marketing Expert

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Andrew has been a professional coach for 10 years and working with me was the most powerful piece of coaching he’s ever received.

– Andrew F., Organizational Development Coach

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Suki was able to fully resolve a chronic cough, gain focus, and diminish her Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) symptoms to focus more on her business and partner with ease.

- Suki Z.; ThetaHealer & Nutritionist @sukizoe

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Lacey reduced her anxiety, lost 12 pounds, got a clear path forward, and had 2 clients appear without even advertising.

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- Lacey H; Private Language Tutor

Kristen was able to get to the bottom of a problem she was holding for years and never able to understand.

​ - Kristen K.S; Copywriter

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​Dean has worked with the subconscious for over ten years and what we were able to uncover was a much deeper layer affecting his life and relationships.

– Dean P; Subconscious Repatterning Practitioner and Coach

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Nikki hated public speaking and talking in front of groups and was able to lead large Groups after just one session.

– Nikki J. – VA, Graphic and Web Designer

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Jasmine was able to uncover and release a problem that had been plaguing her for years.

- Jasmine M., Civil Service Manager and TCM Practitioner

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Cesar was able to clearly unravel aspects of his past, present, and future.

– Cesar A M-T, Architect and Professor

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Selina has such a calming, centering, grounding approach and presence. Working with her feels so safe.


Her intuition is spot-on, and when I had some really big stuff come up in sessions with her, she guided me through it with strength, grace, gentleness, and total non-judgment.


She brought me out the other side feeling light, safe, and confident in the shifts that took place during the session. I


highly recommend Selina and her work. She is an amazing healer and human being!


Sometimes we’re so deeply in our storied experience, it truly seems like the only way. So far I’ve worked with Selina on shame, trust, and love.


Witnessing and following my intuition in service of what I want in a career and romantic partnership. I had such a profound (retrospectively) experience during one of our sessions where we worked deeply with integrating love into my subconscious. I now think of life pre and post this experience.


I didn’t go in thinking this is what I needed because I was so deep in my mind’s story. After integrating love, I see it, I show it, and FEEL it every day, which is new for me! In nature, in strangers, in friends, and loved ones.


This experience has deeply added to my life. I look forward to continuing to work with Selina!

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– Katie U., Life Coach, and Trainer

I'm deeply grateful to have worked with Selina. She is intuitive, skillful and authentic. She helped me let go of sorrow and regret related to my mom who passed in 2018.


Selina also supported me in clearing limiting beliefs related to a fear of expansion, as my partner (of 20 years) and I are in the process of selling our house and buying acres of land to create a regenerative farm with strategic partnerships.


We plan to be land stewards in partnership with nature, healing the soil to provide nourishment for pollinators, producing food for our family and creating learning opportunities for people who care about the Earth.


She inspired me to feel that this vision is not only possible, but the journey can be enjoyed as I expand in a sustainable and healthy way (rather than my old ways of pushing myself hard and driving towards burn-out).


I feel more confident and empowered to embrace the past and uncertainties in the future. She guided me to connect to fragmented parts of myself and helped me integrate all the changes on a subconscious level during our time together.


She invited me to embrace my intuitive abilities and sensitivities to subtle energies rather than be overwhelmed by them.


I have been able to show up with more embodied presence, compassion for myself and grace towards others. Anyone who is open to growth and expansion will be very fortunate to work with

– Katie U., Life Coach, and Trainer

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Subconscious Reset helps entrepreneurs and visionaries with all things business, intimacy, through online programs, 1:1 journeys evolving you to your most profound, subconscious embodiment.

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When addressing the potential effects and benefits within any of our websites, videos, newsletters, programs or other content from, we’ve taken every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our programs and their ability to impact your life. However, Selina Smith does not guarantee that you will experience results in any given timeframe or that your physical, mental, psychological, or emotional well being will be immediately or drastically improved. Selina Smith does not claim to diagnose or treat any specific conditions. It is our belief that all of our ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations have been shown to have an effect for the majority of people who have successfully engaged with our content; however, nothing on our site is a guarantee to you of any particular impact or effect. Selina Smith's approach is intended for educational purposes only. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice.

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